

篇名 西部贫困地区农村教师生存现状研究——基于甘肃、宁夏、贵州3 省17 所中学的调查
並列篇名 Study about the Living State of the School Teachers in Impoverished Rural Areas in the Western: Based on the Research in 17 Schools in GanSu,NingXia and GuiZhou Provinces
作者 苗承燕 、王嘉毅
中文摘要 文章选取甘肃、宁夏、贵州三省区六个国家级贫困县中17 所学校进行调研,并采用随机抽样法,选取460 名在职农村中小学教师进行教师生存现状问卷调查。本研究主要针对西部贫困地区农村教师的经济待遇,职业满意度,教师专业发展等进行调查分析,对改进教师生存现状提出政策和建议: 加大政府对农村地区的教育投入,提高教师的经济收入,减轻经济负担; 提高教师工作满意度,激发教师工作热情; 改变现有的教师评价体系; 加强教师培训,增加教师培训的机会,促进教师专业发展。
英文摘要 The article selects 17 schools at six state-level impoverished countries in GanSu,NingXia,GuiZhou three provinces to do the research ,and we selects 460 rural primary and secondary school teachers to do the teachers survival situation survey by using random sampling. This study mainly investigates teachers' economic treatment,teachers' professional satisfaction,teachers' professional development in impoverished rural areas in the western,and analyses the current situation to improve teachers' survival policies and suggestions: strengthen the government investment; improve teachers' economic income; reduce the economic burden to rural areas of education; improve teachers' job satisfaction,arouse teachers' work enthusiasm; Change the existed teacher evaluation system; Strengthen teachers' training,increase the chance of teacher training,promote professional development for teachers.
頁次 096-109
關鍵詞 免费义务教育 贫困地区 教师 生存现状 free compulsory education the western impoverished area teacher living state
卷期 8:6
日期 201112
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學