

篇名 錄音口語提示協助極重度智能障礙成人獨立洗澡成效之研究
並列篇名 Using Recorded Verbal Prompts to Assist an Adul with Severe Mental Retardation to Improve Bathing Independently
作者 陳明聰 、鄭如意 、陳政見
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討利用錄音口語提示,協助一位極重度智能障礙成年女性完成洗澡動作之成效。本研究採單一受試研究法之「A-B-A-C-A-C」倒返設計,分基線期(A)、介入一(B)人工口語提示、介入二(C)錄音口語提示。介入期間共七個半月。研究結果發現相較於個案獨立完成時的表現,人工口語提示和錄音口語提示均具有協助個案完成洗澡動作的促進效果。此外,個案家人也能接受錄音口語提示策略。根據研究結果,研究者亦提出未來應用與研究的相關建議。
英文摘要 This study aimed to explore the effect of recorded verbal prompts on helping an adult with severe mental retardation to take bath independently. A single-subject experiment with 「A-B-A-C-A-C」design was adopted. The experiment consisted three phases–baseline phase(A), intervention phase(B):verbal prompt, and intervention phase(C):tape-recorded verbal prompt. A female with severe mental retardation participated in the experiment. It took over seven months to finishing the intervention. The results of the experiment indicated that verbal prompts, whether human verbal prompt or recorded prompt, could help the client to take bath more independently. The families of the client also regarded recorded verbal prompt was a feasible solution. Based on the result, there were some suggestions for the further research.
頁次 073-087
關鍵詞 錄音口語提示 成人智能障礙者 洗澡 adult with severe mental retardation take bath|recorded verbal prompts
卷期 17
日期 200612
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系