

篇名 个体取向的教师专业发展研究的现状与走向
並列篇名 Exploration on Status and Trend of Individual - oriented Teacher's Professional Development Research
作者 胡绪 、寇绍华
中文摘要 教师专业发展研究由群体取向转向个体取向是研究深入的必然。通过对近年来个体取向的教师专业发展研究进行文献分析发现,我国个体取向的教师专业发展研究取得了一定的成果,但还存在一些问题。基于现状,探寻未来研究走向: 在研究主体上,应加强研究主体之间的深度合作; 在研究主题上,应强调对展现教师个体发展特征的主题的深度研究; 在研究学科上,应扩展学科的覆盖面,深度揭示不同学科教师专业发展的特征; 在研究方法上,应强调多种研究方法之间的互补,注重研究方法的规范; 在研究成果呈现方式上,应强调定性分析,定量描述; 在研究过程中,研究者应有意识地帮助教师确立教学研究者的角色。
英文摘要 According to the document analysis on the instructional theory research in recent years, we found out that individual - oriented teacher's professional development research has made some achievements in China, but there are still some problems. In the following researches, we need to explore the trend of individual - oriented teacher's professional development in the future: in terms of research subject, we should strengthen cooperation between different research subjects; in terms of research topic, we should make in - depth research on the topic that emphasis the characteristics of teachers; in terms of discipline, we should focus on more disciplines, so that we can promulgate the characteristics of different teachers; in terms of research methods, we should emphasize the complementarity between various research methods, and focus on the research specification; in terms of research results, we should emphasize qualitative analysis, as well as quantitative description; in terms of study course, researchers should be conscious to help teachers to play the role of education researchers.
頁次 074-080
關鍵詞 教师专业发展 教师专业发展研究 个体取向 teacher's professional development teacher's professional development research individual orientation
卷期 9:1
日期 201202
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學