

篇名 從「自生獨化」到「名教即自然」
作者 張博勳(Chang, Po-hsun)
中文摘要 郭象以「寄言出意」的方式注莊,雖常曲解《莊子》原意,但卻藉由注解闡明了一套屬於郭象個人的哲學理論體系,展現出道家哲學發展史上的一個新型態。在這個屬於郭象的理論體系中,固然延續了道家哲學的精神,但卻也欲融入儒家思想,以肯定人世政治與名教的地位。在其思想體系中,以「自生獨化」為開端,萬物在其自爾獨化中,各自稟受不同性分,只要自足性分即可臻至逍遙歸於「玄冥之境」,形成一宇宙、人生與政治的整體和諧境界,而名教問題就在這當中自然解決。郭象雖有其欲求極度圓融的意圖,但由於其呈現非是一完整論述,而是分立存於注解之中。因而未能在文字呈現上面面俱到,致使論理出入自然與人事之間,難免引喻未明,使其理論體系不免在文字的呈現上形成了矛盾。然而,這些矛盾是否足以撼動其理論的完整性?是否有再詮釋的空間?本文即以郭象玄學系統為探討重心,除了分析其義理特質外,亦對其理論系統上的局限、矛盾與開展上的再詮釋提出一些看法。
英文摘要 Although Guo Xiang often contorts Zhuangzi original intention to explain it , but he relies on Illustration to establish his metaphysical . In this belongs to the Guo Xiang's system info , no doubt has continued the Taoism philosophy spirit , but actually also wants to integrate the Confucian thoughts . In his ideology , take “Self- occurrence and Unique- evolution”as the beginning , the all things in itself Unique- evolution by own character . So long as completes own nature to be possible to realize“Spiritual freedom ” and enter the“Shyuanming state”. The universe , life and politics will become a harmonious condition, and the“Ethical standard”question in the middle of this nature
solution. Although Guo Xiang wants to pursue perfectly, his theory is not continual because of scattered in illustration. Some contradiction of surface appears on writing present.However, these contradictions whether to shake his integrity of theory completely? Whether to have the space for
interpretation again?This article will take the Guo Xiang's metaphysical system as the center of discussion,and propose some reinterpretation of viewpoint about that his theory system's limitation,contradiction and development.
頁次 17-46
關鍵詞 郭象 自生 獨化 名教 自然 Guo Xiang Ethical standard Nature Unique- evolution Self- occurrence
卷期 44:1
日期 201004
刊名 人文與社會研究學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學