

篇名 由認知角度比較自閉症兒童、一般兒童及智障兒童之遊戲表現
並列篇名 Play in Children with Autism, Children with Mental Retardation, and Their Non-Handicapped Peers
作者 胡心慈
中文摘要 自閉症兒童的遊戲缺陷是眾多學者關注的焦點,至今已累積豐碩的研究成果。但其中有兩個問題是研究結果較不一致的,一個是他們在自由遊戲時的功能性遊戲有沒有缺陷?另一個則是他們在引發情境下能不能表徵性遊戲?和對照組相較如何?本研究主要目的即在探討這兩個問題,觀察語言理解年齡30-35個月的自閉症兒童、智障兒童和一般兒童,在自由遊戲及引發情境下的遊戲行為。本研究以修訂畢保德圖畫詞彙測驗為選樣工具,選取自閉症兒童、一般兒童及智障兒童各十八名為受試,生理年齡分佈於二歲四個月至八歲。先經十分鐘之自由遊戲再經四個引發遊戲。本研究的主要發現列述如下:1.三組兒童在自由遊戲時的表現以一般兒童為最佳,出現較多之高層級遊戲,自閉症組之表現落後另兩組,且有較多之怪異行為。2.自由遊戲時,自閉症兒童的功能性遊戲相較於另兩組有發展較落後、品質較差的現象。3.自由遊戲時,自閉症兒童較少表徵性遊戲,且發展層級較低、內容貧乏。4.三組兒童均能在引發遊戲時被成功引發而表現表徵性遊戲。5.自閉症兒童有功能性遊戲的缺陷、能在引發遊戲時被成功引發而表現表徵性遊戲,和主張自閉症兒童「因執行功能缺陷而影響遊戲表現」者之研究結果相符。研究者並對未來的研究與遊戲教學提出建議。
英文摘要 The purposes of this study are to explore the repertoire of play behaviors during free play and elicitede play in children with mental retardation, children with autism and their non-handicapped peers. The subjects with verbal comprehension age 30-35 months, measured by Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-Rivised. They were observed in free play for 10 minutes, and then were tested in 4 conditions to elicit substitute play. All sessions were videotaped and then analyzed by an independent assist. The analysis revealed the following main findings: 1. Compared with the play development in typical children and mentally retarded children, the autistic children delayed. They showed less symbolic play and more practice. 2. Compared with the play development in typical children and mentally retarded children, the autistic children showed more low level play than high level play. 3. Compared with the play development in typical children and mentally retarded children, the autistic children showed less integrated play and more deviate behaviors. 4. The subjects of three groups could successfully be elicited among substitute play.
頁次 103-120
關鍵詞 自閉症兒童 智障兒童 遊戲 autism|mental retardation|play
卷期 14
日期 200506
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系