

篇名 國小普通班認知障礙學生課程與教學調整方案之發展與成效研究
並列篇名 The Study on the Development and Effects of Curricular and Instructional Adaptation for Elementary Students with Cognitive Disabilities in General Education Settings
作者 鈕文英
中文摘要 本研究採用行動研究法,目的在針對國小普通班認知障礙學生語文和數學學習上的問題,由資源教師與普通班導師合作發展和實施課程與教學調整方案,而後評鑑其實施成效。研究者使用立意取樣,選取四所學校,十一位認知障礙學生,十位普通班導師,其中一位導師班級中有兩位認知障礙學生,四位資源教師,以及十二位一般學生(擔任同儕小老師)為研究參與者。在行動方案的成效方面,從認知障礙學生的成長來看,他們在國語和數學科的學習表現均有進步,多數調整後的學習目標均能達到,學習態度也有提升。從一般學生的成長來看,他們的學習表現都維持在平常的水準,甚至更好,而且對一些學得比較慢的學生,或其他特殊學生也有效益;整個班級師生互動頻繁且熱烈,所有學生學習興趣高昂。資源教師和普通班導師均肯定合作發展和實施課程與教學調整方案的效果,認為這樣的合作對認知障礙學生的學習,以及他們本身專業知能的成長都有助益。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to develop a curricular and instructional adaptation program based on learning needs of elementary students with cognitive disabilities. Then, the researcher examined the effects of this program. The researcher adopted purposive sampling to invite eleven students with cognitive disabilities, ten general education teachers, and four resource room teachers from four elementary schools to participate in this study. Action research was used to inquiry into this research topic. Regarding the performances of eleven students with cognitive disabilities on Chinese language and mathematics, the data indicated that they got great improvement on performances on Chinese language, mathematics, and learning attitude. General students maintained typical performances, students with lower achievement performed higher than before, and they were highly motivated to learning, and had more participation and interaction. Both general and special education teachers highly appreciated the effects of this program, and felt that it could advance academic performances and learning attitude of students with cognitive disabilities, as well as enhance their teaching profession.
頁次 021-058
關鍵詞 融合 課程與教學調整 認知障礙學生 inclusion curricular and instructional adaptation students with cognitive disabilities
卷期 15
日期 200512
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系