

篇名 中小学生存教育课程资源开发问题探究
並列篇名 Research On Problem during Explore Survival Education Curriculum Resources of Primary and Middle Schools
作者 王攀攀 、吴晓蓉
中文摘要 中小学生存教育直指教育本质,关注个体生命成长及其非连续性。其价值已渐为人认可,但当前多数学校面临生存教育课程资源开发范围过窄,深度把握不够以及主体单一等问题。本文结合中小学生存教育的内涵,尝试通过拓宽资源开发视野,挖掘隐性课程资源,鼓励多主体参与来构建合理的中小学生存教育课程资源开发体系。
英文摘要 Survival education of primary and secondary schools is base on education essence, pay close attention to individual life and its non continuity. Survival education's value is already recognized, but the current most schools faced many problem, such as curriculum resources exploitation range too narrow, depth and the subject in a single. Based on the essence of Survival education in primary and secondary school, trying to widen the vision, mining recessive course resources, encourage participating subjects to construct a reasonable system for survival education of primary and secondary schools.
頁次 094-128
關鍵詞 生存教育 中小学 课程资源开发 survival education primary and middle schools curriculum resources exploitation
卷期 8:2
日期 201104
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學