

篇名 決策語意與決策特性 ─維特根斯坦的「語言遊戲」之觀點
並列篇名 The Semantics and Characteristic of Decision-The Viewpoint of Wittgenstein’s Language Game
作者 黃鉦堤(Huang, Jeng-ti)
中文摘要 維特根斯坦的「語言遊戲」指出「意義即是用法」的論點,本文據此認為,「決策」一詞在不同的人文社會理論之下,存有不同語意與特性。質言之,在古典的制約模式的觀照下,決策語意是指事前的投入動作,其具有強烈的因果決定性;在混沌理論的觀照下,決策語意是指事後的產出結果,其具有內外隨機性;而當決策被視為一個系統因應環境干擾而進行的決策制定過程時,從行動理論的理性模式來看,其具有原則性;但若從魯曼的觀察理論來看,其具有弔詭性與偶變性。
英文摘要 Wittgenstein’s language game points out that the semantics of a sentence is decided by its usage. According to it, this paper tries to explain the different semantics and characteristics of ‘decision’ under the contexts of different theories. When it means an input action, it has the characteristic of causal-determinism according to the model of the classical conditioning.When it means an output result, it has the characteristic of randomness according to the chaos theory. The word decision also means a decision-making process in a black box. The rational
models of action theory argue, we can find out some inherent principles in the decision-making process. On the contraty, the observation theory of Niklas Luhman argues,that decision-making process is a paradoxical and contingent operation.
頁次 001-017
關鍵詞 決策語意 因果決定性 隨機性 原則性 偶變性 弔詭性 semantics of decision ausal-determinism randomness principle contingency paradox
卷期 45:2
日期 201110
刊名 人文與社會研究學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學