

篇名 精神分裂症对情绪的面部表情加工及其神经机制
並列篇名 Perception and Recognition of Facial Expressions of Emotion in Schizophrenia
作者 莫书亮 、陈楚侨
中文摘要 综述了近年来关于精神分裂症对情绪面部表情加工损伤的研究,讨论了这种损伤的性质,以及对这种损伤性质的解释,比如它属于一般性还是特异性的损伤,与临床症状以及认知特征之间的关系等,比较分析表明,精神分裂症情绪面部表情知觉损伤,可能兼有面部信息加工障碍和情绪信息知觉困难的特性。另外,介绍了国外关于针对精神分裂症面部表情再认和识别的康复训练研究以及近年来利用事件相关电位(ERPs)和功能磁共振成像(fMRI)等认知神经科学技术进行的神经生理机制研究。
英文摘要 Previous studies have found the impairment of emotional facial expressions processing in schizophrenia. But controversy still exists as to whether this deficit is generalized or emotion─specific, and how to associate with clinical symtomatology and cognitive functions. In this paper, we first reviewed some researches on emotional facial expressions in the patients with schizophrenia. Then, some issues were discussed including negative and positive emotions processing, differential deficit design and the relationship between emotional facial expressions and symptomatology and cognition. Some training studies improving the ability to perceive facial emotions for schizophrenia and some studies exploring the neuro─mechanisms underlying the deficit of perceiving emotional facial expressions for schizophrenic were introduced. Finally, the directions of future research and some problems need to be resolved were discussed.
頁次 266-273
關鍵詞 cognitive function emotion─specific deficit generalized deficit facial expression of emotions Schizophrenia 认知功能 特异性损伤 一般性损伤 情绪的面部表情 精神分裂症
卷期 16:2
日期 200803
刊名 心理科學進展
出版單位 中國科學院心理研究所