

篇名 雲嘉南地區不同年代私立幼兒園存在意義與經營之挑戰
並列篇名 The Existence and Management Challenges of Private Kindergartens of Different Years in Yunlin, Chaiyi, and Tainan Areas
作者 黃娟娟(Huang,Chuan- Chuan) 、楊淑朱(Yang,Shu-Chu)
中文摘要 本研究係針對六0、七0、八0、九0等不同年代設立於雲林縣、嘉義縣市及台南市等四縣市的私立幼兒園所進行的質性研究。透過訪談和文件分析,獲得研究結論如下:(一)私立幼兒園存在的時代背景與意義:1.時代背景:社會變遷~人口與經濟因素、政府鼓勵私人興學、幼教受到重視。2.意義與價值:六0年代讓更多幼兒有上學的機會;六0、七0年代,教會幼兒園培育優秀幼教人才;八0年代私幼助長我國幼教蓬勃發展;八0、九0年代,提供家長更多元化的選擇。(二)共同的經營挑戰:1.六0~九0年代:合格教師難找、人事穩定度低、資深教師去留問題;家長對幼兒園的教學干擾甚多。2.九0年代之後:少子化、經濟蕭條、財團跨足幼教經營、幼教政策等。
英文摘要 This study aims at understanding the purposes of the establishment, strategies, management challenges, and the solutions of the private kindergartens in Yunlin, Chaiyi, Tainan County and Tainan City, which were founded from the 1960s to 1990s. Semi-structured interview and document analysis were conducted to gather data. The study draws the conclusions below:First, the establishment of private kindergartens is influenced by the demographic and economic factors of social change, and by the government policy to support private education. During the 1960s, children could have more opportunities to pre-schooling programs; from the 1960s to 1970s, sectarian kindergartens cultivated more excellent kindergarten teachers; during the 1980s, the kindergartens flourished due to the recruitment of the excellent teachers; from the 1980s to 1990s, private kindergartens provided more diverse early childhood educational options for parents; and the flourishment of private kindergartens also relieved the government’s financial burden. Second, the managemnt strategies, challenges and their soulutions to private Kindergartens are stated as follows: For the management strategies, during the 1960s, the kindergarten’s instruction drawed the attention of parents to early childhood education; during the 1970s, the instruction was valued; during the 1980s, the parents’ satisfaction and the architectural appearance were valued; during the 1990s, the strategies changed from the customers orientation to diverse services; the strategies for recruiting new students differed from times and places, it also differed from the kindergarten establishment before and thereafter. But the public praise for the effective recruitment remained the same.For the challenges, the teacher recruitment, parental demands, peer competition, low-birth rate, economic depression, and the policy are all threatening the management and survival of kindergartens. For the solutions, the private kindergartens have to reinforce the external and internal management, and to self-improve their competitiveness.
頁次 033-060
關鍵詞 私立幼兒園 不同年代 經營挑戰 Private Kindergarten Business Challenge Early Childhood Policy
卷期 15
日期 201509
刊名 幼兒教保研究期刊
出版單位 國立嘉義大學幼兒教育系