

篇名 習慣領域學說與生命教育連結性
並列篇名 The Connections between Habitual Domains and the Education of Life
作者 吳蓮花(Lien-Hua Wu)
中文摘要 習慣領域是游伯龍教授整合了管理科學、系統工程、心理學、腦神經科學以 及最佳化理論而成,可以用在企業界的人事經營,也可以用在個人生命的昇華上。 這個學說旨在提升我們的人性軟體,讓我們更有能力來解決自己和別人的痛苦和 煩惱。生命教育之目標是幫助學生認識自我、培養人際互動能力、了解生命存在 的價值、涵養積極與樂觀的人生態度,以面對未來的生命歷程,各種困境與挑戰。 此一生命力的培養,便是人性軟體的提昇,所能成就的。
國内生命教育在各級院校之推動雖然已超過二十年,但校園的霸凌事件、學 生嗑藥的問題,並未呈現消減之跡象,相反的,校園霸凌,登上媒體,學生在校 内墜樓案件,仍頻頻發生,青少年的自傷、他傷事件,更是層出不窮。目前的生 命教育成效,令人深感憂慮,因此,開拓更多元化的生命教育策略,尋找可能、 有效之生命教育方案是教育工作人員和教育機構之職責與使命。
筆者數年前曾開設一門「情緒管理」課程,從課程的設計,課程的執行,最 終課程的回饋心得報告,使用「習慣領域」學理剖析,發現課程之規劃與教學成 效,彰顯「習慣領域」之人性軟體,符合生命教育課程的教育理念與精神一孕育 學生的「本我規範」、「本我成長」的核心能力。
英文摘要 Dr. Yu integrated the knowledge of Management Science、Systems Engineering、 Psychology'Neuroscience and Optimization Theory into that of the Habitual Domains for upgrading human software. It can be applied to industrial management as well as to daily lives of individuals. By upgrading the human software, HD provides us with the capability to relieve pains and frustrations of our own and others around us. The teaching goals of the Education of Life are: 1) the nurturance of students in the understanding of the self and the meaning of life. 2) the cultivation in the capabilities in managing interpersonal relationships. 3) the nourishment of active and positive life attitudes to endure various hardships that challenge individuals throughout different stages of life course. The installation of the mentioned life qualities can be achieved only through the elevation of the “software in humanity”, the purpose of this article is to discuss the connections of such software, the Habitual Domains, to the Education of Life.
The Education of Life is being offered in all levels of schools for more than two decades, but the occurrence of bully incidents among students and the use of drugs on campuses have not yet been under controlled. On the contrary, various forms of bully events are frequently reported by the media. Students fell from high buildings on or outside campuses become regular news reports. Various forms of self-harm、 assault、murder events that occur among teens become daily news. This is an undeniable obligation of both the educators and the educational institutions to explore for other possible options and workable strategies to overcome the harsh challenges the Education of Life encounters.
Few years ago the author of this article offered an elective course in “The Management of Emotions”. When the HD theory was used to analyze the design and the execution of this course as well as the feedback papers handed in by the students at the end of the semester, this study found out that the software in humanity meets the educational concepts and goals of the Education of Life—cultivates the self-disciplinary and self-empowerment capabilities in students.
頁次 043-054
關鍵詞 霸凌 生命教育 習慣領域 人性軟體 情緒管理 bully education of life habitual domain software in humanity the Management of Emotions
卷期 4:2
日期 201306
刊名 習慣領域期刊
出版單位 國立交通大學資管所習慣領域研究室、社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會