

篇名 上下肢肌力與肌耐力對國小視覺障礙學生行動體態之影響
並列篇名 Muscle Strength, Muscle Endurance, and Physical Posture of Elementary School Students with Visual Impairments
作者 鄭靜瑩(Cheng Ching-Ying)
中文摘要 本研究嘗試以專業合作的方式評估國小視障學生上下肢之肌力與肌耐力,並探討上下肢肌力與肌耐力對其行動體態的影響。研究分為兩個部份,在第一部份中,研究以二十七位國小之視障學生為實驗組,另二十七位視障學生之同性別同儕為對照組,分別評估兩組學生之肌力與肌耐力表現,並以獨立樣本t考驗的方式,考驗兩組學生上下肢肌力與肌耐力之差異。而在第二部份中,除了上述的肌力與肌耐力評估外,研究者亦對視障學生之行動體態進行評估,並探討不同肌組群的肌力與肌耐力表現與行動體態之相關。為求研究之品質,除視障教育教師外,研究邀請復健科醫師共同合作,在上下肢肌力與肌耐力評估方面,研究以「手握式電子肌力測試儀」、碼錶與「視障學生上下肢肌力與肌耐力評估量表」為工具,分別評估一般學生與視障學生之上下肢肌力與肌耐力表現。而在行動體態部份,則以研究中自編之「視障學生行動體態評估量表」為工具。研究結果顯示,視障學生的肌力與肌耐力表現明顯的比一般學生來得差,尤其在上肢與下肢的肌組群的表現;且肌力與肌耐力明顯的與視障學生在抬頭、持杖、點杖、站立、坐、步行前進、與上下樓梯之行動體態有相關。研究最後亦針對研究結果與未來研究提出建議。
英文摘要 The purpose of the study was to analyze the influence of the muscle strength andendurance of elementary school students with visual impairments on their physical posture.Twenty-seven students with visual impairments (experimental-group) and twenty-sevenpeers (control-group) were recruited in the study. The muscle strength and endurance ofthe research participants were evaluated by one physiatrist. However, physical postureassessment was conducted only in experimental-group by one teacher who was an expertin the education of the visually impaired. To analyze the relationships among these threevariables, a gauge dynamometer, a stopwatch, and two self-constructed scales for assessmentwere employed in this study.The findings indicated that the performance of muscle strength and endurance showedstatistical significant difference between experimental and control groups. In addition,muscle strength and endurance were statistical significantly correlated with physical posturein the group of the students with visual impairments, especially their raising heads, graspingor using canes, standing, walking, sitting, going upstairs and downstairs. Finally, suggestionsfor collaboration and early-intervention, and the implication for future studies are provided.
頁次 001-024
關鍵詞 專業合作 視障學生 肌力 肌耐力 行動體態 multi-disciplinary visual impairment muscle strength muscle endurance physical posture
卷期 25
日期 201112
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系