

篇名 课程设计的后现代转向
並列篇名 The Turn of Curriculum Design under Postmodernism
作者 谢丽娜
中文摘要 建立在对现代理性主义批判和反思基础上的后现代主义,为完善我国课程设计提供了新的视角。课程设计主体所表现的价值取向、课程设计对象所涉及的人性观、课程设计内容的重要构成部分知识观均受到后现代主义的影响,于是重新从这三个层面诠释课程设计的后现代转向就有着深远意蕴。
英文摘要 Postmodernism, based on criticizing and reflecting on modern rationalism, provides a new perspective for improving curriculum design. It also affects the main values held by the course designer, human nature involved in design objects and the knowledge-based view in curriculum design contents. Therefore re-interpretation of post-modern turn of curriculum design from the three aspects above has the far-reaching implication.
頁次 008-011
關鍵詞 课程设计 价值取向 人性观 知识观 Curriculum Design Values Human Nature Knowledge View
卷期 7:5
日期 201005
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學