

篇名 台灣地區高等教育學雜費政策之探究
並列篇名 A Study of University Tuition Fee in Taiwan
作者 周祝瑛 、鄭慧娟
中文摘要 長久以來,許多國家為了實現教育機會之公平性而採取不收學費、提供大量生活資助的方式,例如,英國、德國、丹麥、芬蘭等國家採取上述措施,來增加低收入階層子女與全體國民接受高等教育的機會;然而,隨著高等教育規模迅速擴張,政府財政不堪重負,只能以減緩高等教育發展速度、刪減學生資助等方式以維持現況。因此,許多歐陸國家開始藉由收取學費來維持學習品質,大學收費成為社會共識。但是要如何訂定合理的收費標準?如何才能保障弱勢家庭的學生也能有機會得到補助,讓他們在求學期間的生活上可獲得一定條件?因此,在收取學費的同時,如何為低收入階層子女提供就學資助,以保障教育機會均等,也成為各國高等教育政策的重要焦點。本文旨在探討我國與美、英等國,其政府經營管理高等教育之主要策略,尤其當各國同時面臨高等教育經費日漸減縮之際,如何訂定具有合理、效率與公平性的學雜費政策,以及相關之配套措施,藉此釐清我國高等教育在學雜費之爭議,透過參考美、英等國之作法,提出適合我國國情之建議及具體辦法,供政府決策參考。
英文摘要 In order to provide equal educational opportunities to all students regardless of social backgrounds, many higher education institutions in Europe did not charge any tuition fee in the first place. Not until the shrinking public finance taken place across many countries, did universities started charging tuition fees to a great extent to maintain learning quality. However, countries such as: United Kingdom, Germany, Denmark, Finland attempted to provide a number of living subsidy, stipends, scholarships and student loans to offset the rising university expenses, and assist those low-income students. While university tuition fees become inevitable, how government can provide students at disadvantage with sufficient financial support has become an important focus in higher education policy. This article aims to examine governmental management and administration of higher education tuition policy in Taiwan, the United States, and Britain with an emphasis on major strategies and matching measures when facing declining higher education funding.
頁次 1-25
關鍵詞 高等教育 學雜費國際比較 higher education, international comparison of tuition fee
卷期 68
日期 201005
刊名 比較教育
出版單位 中華民國比較教育學會