

篇名 从权威主义到权威:为教师权威辩护
並列篇名 From Athoritarianism to Authority : Defense for Teachers,Authority
作者 谢链逊(Xie, Yi-xun)
中文摘要 在教育过程中,教师权威时常和权威主义混淆在一起。“民主”、“自由”以及“平 等”等教育理念也将矛头指向教师权威。实质上,教师权威总是作为权威主义的“替罪羊”存 在,权威主义才是教育过程中的真正敌人。相反,教师权威有其存在的合理性与合法性。从权 威主义到教师权威,是为教师权威正名的过程,也是对教师权威重建的过程。
英文摘要 In the process of education, the teachers’ authority often confused as authoritarianism. ” Democracy”,’Freedom”/’Equality” and other educational concept were against the teachers’ authority. In fact, the teachers’ authority is always as the ”scapegoat” of authoritarianism . Authoritarianism is the real enemy of education. On the contrary, the teachers ’ authority has its own rationality and legitimacy. From the authoritarianism to the teachers’ authority, it is a process of rectification of names for the teachers’ authority, but also the reconstruction process for teachers’ authority.
頁次 122-125
關鍵詞 教师权威 权威主义 社会转型 无知者 teachers’ authority authoritarianism social transformation ignorant
卷期 8:1
日期 201102
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學