

篇名 國小學童文本朗讀速度之分析研究
並列篇名 A Study on Oral Reading Rate in Elementary School Students
作者 陳惠琴 、楊憲明
中文摘要 本研究之主要目的在於瞭解不同年級國小學童對不同文本架構文章之朗讀速度,並探討文本朗讀速度與閱讀理解之關係。本研究以高雄市國小一到六年級普通班學生為研究對象,每一年級90位學生,共540位學生參與研究。每一位受試者均朗讀兩篇敘事體文本及兩篇說明體文本。受試者之朗讀速度被加以評量,讀後並接受閱讀理解測驗。研究資料以描述統計、二因子變異數分析、積差相關等統計方法加以分析考驗。研究結果顯示:一、國小學童的文本朗讀速度隨著年級與文本架構不同呈現顯著差異。二、國小學童的文本朗讀速度與閱讀理解有顯著相關。根據研究結果,本研究對未來的閱讀教學與閱讀研究提出建議。
英文摘要 The purpose of the study was to investigate the oral reading rate of narrative and expository texts in elementary school students, and address the relationship between oral reading rate and reading comprehension. 540 subjects were employed in the study, with 90 students selected from each grade as participants of the study. Every subject was required to read two narrative and two expository texts. Reading time and reading comprehension of each text were measured. The descriptive statistics, two-way analysis of variance, and product-moment correlation were performed to analyze the data. Two important findings were obtained. Oral reading rate was varied with text structure and subject grade. Oral reading rate was also related to reading comprehension. The implication of the results was discussed with respect to reading instruction and reading research.
頁次 001-030
關鍵詞 文本朗讀速度 閱讀流暢性 文本架構 閱讀理解 oral reading rate reading fluency text structure reading comprehension
卷期 18
日期 200706
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系