

篇名 论儒家的自强人格及其培养
並列篇名 On Self-strengthening Personality in Confucianism and Its Cultivation
作者 郑剑虹 、黄希庭
中文摘要 从心理学角度看,儒学主要体现了一种自强的人格心理学思想。仁爱人格、弘毅人格和革新人格是儒家自强人格的主要内容,其终极目标则是养成健全人格。儒家的自强人格既具有个人取向,也具有社会取向。它以个人取向为基础和出发点,以社会取向为最终目标,从个人取向逐渐扩展至社会取向。实践学习、克服偏私、正确处理理情关系和人际关系是培养儒家自强人格的4个主要途径。
英文摘要 From a psychological point of view, Confucianism mainly reflects the personality of self-strengthening. Kindheartedness (Renai) personality, strong-willedness (hongyi) personality and innovative (gexin) personality are the main contents of self-strengthening in Confucianism, of which the ultimate goal is to cultivate a healthy personality. Self-strengthening personality in Confucianism is not only individually-oriented, but also socially-oriented. It is based on individual orientation, and the ultimate goal is towards social orientation, expanding gradually from individual to social. Learning from practice, overcoming bias and selfishness, correctly dealing with intellect and emotion, and correctly dealing with social interaction are the four approaches to the cultivation of self-strengthening in Confucianism.
頁次 230-233
關鍵詞 儒家 自强人格 心理学思想 个人取向 社会取向 Confucianism self-strengthening personality psychological thoughts individual orientation social orientation
卷期 15:2
日期 200703
刊名 心理科學進展
出版單位 中國科學院心理研究所