

篇名 韓國的英語學習者的自我認同移轉與第二語言學習動機
並列篇名 Self-identity Shifts and L2 Motivation Among Korean EFL Learners
作者 Gene Vasilopoulos
中文摘要 近來東亞環境中英語教育有著顯著成長的趨勢,此小型研究檢驗一些在第二語 言習得上被忽略的現象,即外語學習動機與自我認同改變兩者的關係。研究對象為 韓國的大學生,並參考先前在中國(Gao et al., 2005, 2007)與泰國(Boonchum,2009)的研究結果。
本研究蒐集了 88位學習英文的韓國大學生評量自我認同與學習動機的問卷。實 驗結果顯示,學習者所經歷的認同轉變,對於第一語言與第二語言的發展,具正面 的幫助。相較之下,負面的轉變卻不明顯。然而當學習者的動機納入動機考量時即 浮現更為複雜的關係。研究顯示學習者的動機導向可影響多過語言學上的結果。整 體而言,本實驗結果與先前鄰近東亞國家的結果一致。
英文摘要 With the growing popularity of English language education in the East Asian context, this small quantitative study examines a previously overlooked phenomenon in the field of SLA: the relationship between foreign language learning motivation and self-identity shifts. Focusing on a specific community, Korean tertiary EFL learners, it draws from pioneering empirical research of Gao et al. (2005, 2007) in China, further replicated in Thailand (Boonchum, 2009). Data collection involved questionnaires measuring motivation and self-identity among 88 Korean university students learning English. Findings suggest that identity shifts experienced by Korean EFL learners can be defined as positive or beneficial to both L1 and L2 development. Conversely, negative shifts were not noted. However, a more complex relationship emerged when learner motivation was factored suggesting that learner motivational orientation can affect more than linguistic outcomes. Overall, findings reached in this study remain consistent with previous research from neighboring East Asian nations.
頁次 145-158
關鍵詞 自我認同移轉 動機 語言學習 韓國 英語為外語 self-identity shifts motivation language learning Korea EFL
卷期 9
日期 201207
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學