

篇名 任务型教学应用现状的调查研究-以上海市七年级《牛津英语》为例
並列篇名 A Survey of task-based approach to Teaching Oxford English of Grade Seven in Junior High School in Shanghai
作者 叶叶;白芸
中文摘要 自本世纪初任务型教学被引入到我国以来,其本土化模式的构建与应用成为广大教师和研究者关注的焦点。本文运用调查研究法,以初中英语教学为切入点,以上海市七年级《牛津英语》为例进行研究。调查的结果是任务型教学法在实践中并未得到充分的运用,表现在教师对于使用任务型教学热情不高,教师对于任务的设置难度过大,学生在完成任务过程中心理状态不佳,学生对于任务型教学的满意度不高四个方面。针对存在的问题,本文从发挥任务型教学优势的角度提出对策建议。
英文摘要 Since the beginning of this century, task-based teaching was introduced into our country, many teachers and researchers have focused on the construction and application of task-based approach in China. This paper researched task-based approach from the perspective of junior high school English teaching. It took Oxford English of Grade Seven as an example, and focused on the task-based teaching practice. There are some problems in the task-based teaching application. The task-based teaching approaches have not been fully utilized.
頁次 035-055
關鍵詞 任务型教学 七年级 牛津英语 现状调查 task-based approach grade seven Oxford English survey
卷期 8:4
日期 201108
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學