

篇名 教师实践性知识研究的回顾与展望-基于内容分析法
並列篇名 Review and Prospects of Teachers' Practical Knowledge Research: Based on the View of Content Analysis
作者 申晓月 、胡中锋
中文摘要 本文对近年来我国内地的教师实践性知识研究进行内容分析。结果显示,我国内地有关教师实践性知识研究具有如下特点:研究领域广泛,研究成果丰硕;研究方法多样,叙事方法得到大力运用;研究人本趋向凸显,注重教师专业发展;理论基础薄弱,发展动力不足。因此今后的研究应拓展研究视野,加深研究深度;规范基础研究,加强应用开发研究,整合研究方法,扩大成果影响;优化研究团队,加大研究支持,提高研究水平。
英文摘要 The paper analyzes teachers' practical knowledge research in the Mainland of China by the method of content analysis. The results show that over past years teachers' practical knowledge research presents the following characteristics: subjects of study were wider and the results yielded a rich harvest; research methods were getting diversified and narrative methods are extensively used; Studies took people as the foremost and focused on teacher professional development; Theoretical foundation was weak and the power of development is insufficient. In further study, researchers can make some relative studies to deepen the study, standardize the study and spread the exploit applications; integrate the methods and expand its influence; build excellent team.
頁次 091-094
關鍵詞 教师实践性知识 内容分析 述评 teachers' practical knowledge content analysis review
卷期 8:3
日期 201106
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學