

篇名 幼兒自主認知之初探
並列篇名 Analysis of Agentive Perception to the Day Care Center Situation
作者 林昭溶(Lin,Chao-Jung ) 、毛萬儀(Mau,Wann-Yi ) 、吳敏而( Wu,Rosalind)
中文摘要 Piaget 曾提出順應理論來說明幼兒與環境互動時的同化或調適 的反應。順應—同化的反應是指兒童會在既有的認知基模中增加新 資訊;順應—調適的反應則指兒童會改變既有觀點來適應新訊息。 Vygotsky 認為兒童與環境互動時會企圖改變環境,而提出agency 的 觀點。Reunamo 以Piaget 與Vygotsky 的觀點為基礎,提出幼兒與環 境互動的四種反應類型:順應—同化、順應—調適、自主—同化、自 主—調適等。本研究以Reunamo 所提之觀點,訪談臺芬兩國1,064 位 3 至6 歲的幼兒,在16 個假設情境下,他們的做法為何?幼兒的回答 依Reunamo 所提的四個類別進行歸類。結果顯示:幼兒最常出現自 主—調適的反應,即嘗試改變環境也調整自己;出現次多的反應是順 應—調適,即不企圖改變環境,而是調整自己的想法來適應環境。這 兩類反應皆隨年齡成長而增加。自主—同化的觀點以及順應—同化的 觀點為數較少,且皆隨年齡成長而減少。
英文摘要 According Piaget’s adaptive theory of cognitive development in response to the environment, the child adds new information to his original conception by not changing his viewpoint. But to the stage of adaptiveaccommodative response, the child changes his original viewpoint by accommodating new information. Vygotsky interpreted such a change as the development of the dimension of agency which is understood as the one making change. Based on Piaget’s and Vygotsky, Reunamo worked out four categories of responses: as adaptive-assimilation, adaptiveaccommodation, agentive-assimilation, agentive-accommodation. Using Reunamo’s 4 categories, this project interviewed 1,064 children, aged from 3 to 6, to explore how they respond to 16 hypothetical situations. The results are as follows: First, the most responses were agentiveaccommodation. That means the children themselves try to change the environment, and change themselves in the process. Second, the next most visible category is adaptive-accommodation. In this category, the children do not try to change the environment but change themselves to accommodate to the situation. These two categories responses are increasing with ages. The less responses are agentive-assimilation and adaptive-assimilation which are decreasing with age.
頁次 001-027
關鍵詞 學前幼兒 自主認知 皮亞傑 維高斯基 Reunamo Early childhood Agentive perception Interview Piaget Vygotsky
卷期 111
日期 201311
刊名 教育資料與研究
出版單位 國家教育研究院