

篇名 贴近社会的教育实验──以《一个小学十年努力纪》为中心
並列篇名 Paying Close Attention to Society:Educational Experiments in Primary School attached to Southeast University
作者 吴小玮
中文摘要 《一个小学十年努力纪》记录了东南大学附属小学于1917年至1927年间所进行的一系列教育实验。早在1922年新学制颁布“社会研究科”之前,东南附小便已做出了将公民史地合组为社会科的尝试,考虑到儿童理解和融入社会还需实际的经验,学校又为中、高年级学生设计了“公仆会”,训练他们的自治与服务能力。20世纪20年代,欧美传入的设计教学法和道尔顿制在中国教育界盛极一时。东南附小领风气之先,利用设计教学衔接幼稚园和低年级教学,且立足于学生实际对两种教学法加以变通融合,运用于自然、社会科的教学当中,使教育活动更加具有社会价值。在具体的学科教学上,东南附小基于儿童的兴趣、需要和能力,设计了多项实验,探寻科学合理并且最贴近社会的教学材料和方法。大学研究教育需要实验学校,更需要不断的教育实验,东南大学附属小学为彼时和当下的学校教学、科研及实验,都提供了一定的镜鉴。
英文摘要 Primary School attached to Southeast University carried out lots of educational experiments from 1917 to 1927. Focused on children's socialization,civil servants'organization was established to cultivate pupils’ability of self-government and service. Be fore 1922,when new education system publicized "society studies",Primary School attached to Southeast University had made an at tempt to unit the teaching of civics,history as well as geography,connecting kindergarten and primary school by using Project Method.The school also designed dozens of experiments based on children's interests,needs,and abilities. Universities that study primary education do need an experiment school. Primary School attached to Southeast University make an example for today's educational research.
頁次 051-057
關鍵詞 儿童自治 道尔顿制 设计教学法 教育实验 《一个小学十年努力纪》 pupil self-government Dalton Laboratory Plan Project Method educational experience Record on the Ten-Year Effort of a Primary School
卷期 10:2
日期 201304
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學