

篇名 試釋學習領導的意義
並列篇名 An Interpretation for Learning Leadership
作者 單文經
中文摘要 無論在中文或是英文的世界裡,人們早就單獨使用學習與領導這兩個名詞,而且各自有其意義與內涵;人們也都認知到這兩者具有「互不可少」的緊密關係。但是,把這兩個名詞組合而成為學習領導,應該是最近一、二十年的事。在一般的領域如此,在教育的領域,也是如此。然而,學習領導一詞的意義與內涵究竟如何,則似未見有人深入探討,本文主旨即在做出此一嘗試。全文共分為五節:第一節前言,在就該名詞做一說文解字、追本溯源及意義解析的工夫。接著,於第二節及第三節分別藉由美國、加拿大及英國若干知名大學學者積極介入學習領導的有關研究與推廣,以及蘇格蘭皇家督學處以學習領導做為整個王國開創教育新局進而提升學生學習效果的重要手段,說明主要國家之教育界重視學習領導的狀況。第四節指出臺灣由學術界與實務界攜手合作,試著連結中央、縣市、學校的領導者,共同強化以「學習導向的教育領導促進學生學習」為意涵的學習領導,做為迎接即將全面推行十二年國民基本教育所帶來的挑戰之最佳因應策略之一。第五節則以行政學的領域,特別是以領導為專題的研究之演進與發展,進行簡單的回顧與前瞻,申述學習才是領導重點之結論。
英文摘要 The paper was aimd at offering an interpretation for learning leadership, a term newly employed by educationists and other professionals both in Chinese and English worlds. It was divided into five sections. In the first section, an etymological analysis of learning and leadership and an explication of the famous qoutes " leadership and learning are indispensable to each other " by John F. Kennedy were presented. In the second and third sections, the research and development in learning leadership positively executed by several scholars from the US, Canada, and UK, as well as Leadership for learning: The challenges of leading in a time of change, a policy report promulgated by Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Education of Scotish Government in 2007 was introduced to explain that the siginificant moves in learning leadership had been taken in major countries. In the fourth section, that the academicians and practitioners in education world joined together to enhance learning leadership in order to face the challenges brought by the 12-year national education to be implemented in 2014 was described. In the fifth section, that learning is the very focus of leadership was explicated by a short review of the evoluation and development of leadership research.
頁次 005-017
關鍵詞 學習領導 課程領導 教學領導 Learning leadership curriculum leadership instructional leadership
卷期 229
日期 201305
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司