

篇名 電腦化漸進提示策略對增進國小輕度智能障礙學生改變類加減法應用問題解題成效之研究
並列篇名 A Study of The Changed Addition and Subtraction Applied Mathematic Problems with The Computerized Graduated-Prompting Strategies for Students With Intellectual Disabilities
作者 張建煌(Chang, Chien-huang) 、孫淑柔(Sun, Shu-jou)
中文摘要 本研究主要目的在探討電腦化漸進提示策略對於增進國小輕度智能障礙學生改變類加減法應用問題的解題成效。本研究對象為三位國小輕度智能障礙的學生,研究方法則採跨受試多探試實驗設計來進行。本研究之漸進提示策略係參考Campione及Brown的漸進提示評量,包括協助唸題目、關鍵字提示、基模圖提示、及協助列算式提示等。研究所得資料透過視覺分析、C統計分析、評分者信度、及流程一致性檢核進行處理與分析,所得結果綜合如下:一、電腦化漸進提示策略能有效提升國小輕度智能障礙學生改變類加減法應用問題的立即成效與保留成效。二、電腦化漸進提示策略能有效提升國小輕度智能障礙學生改變類加減法應用問題中「結果量未知題型」之立即成效與保留成效。三、電腦化漸進提示策略能有效提升國小輕度智能障礙學生改變類加減法應用問題中「改變量未知題型」之立即成效與保留成效。四、電腦化漸進提示策略能有效提升國小輕度智能障礙學生改變類加減法應用問題的「起始量未知題型」之立即成效與保留成效。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to explore the effect of the computerized graduated prompting strategies for elementary students with intellectual disabilities solving the changed addition and subtraction problems. The computerized graduated prompting strategies were referred from Campione & Brown who proposed the graduated-prompting assessment. It included reading prompt, key-word prompt, schema prompt, and displaying equation prompt. The research method of this study use single-subject multiple Probes across subjects design to process and collect data through visual analysis, C-statistic analysis, observation and interview.The main findings of this study were as below:1. The computerized graduated-prompting strategies could increase the effects of immediate and maintaining of the changed addition and subtraction applied mathematic problems solved by the elementary students with intellectual disabilities.2. The computerized graduated-prompting strategies could increase the effects of immediate and maintaining of the result-unknown problems of the changed addition and subtraction applied mathematic problems solved by the elementary students with intellectual disabilities.3. The computerized graduated-prompting strategies could increase the effects of immediate and maintaining of the change-unknown problems of the changed addition and subtraction applied mathematic problems solved by the elementary students with intellectual disabilities.4. The computerized graduated-prompting strategies could increase the effects of immediate and maintaining of the start-unknown problems of the changed addition and subtraction applied mathematic problems solved by the elementary students with intellectual disabilities.
頁次 053-073
關鍵詞 電腦化漸進提示策略 智能障礙學生 改變類加減法應用問題 computerized graduated-prompting strategies students with intellectual disabilities the changed addition and subtraction problems
卷期 20
日期 200906
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系