

篇名 論賴馬圖畫書中的後現代表現
並列篇名 The Postmodern Presentation in the Picture Books of Lai Ma
作者 陳昭吟(Chen, Chao-yin)
中文摘要 九0年代以來,台灣兒童文學中的「圖畫書」一類開始有了突破性的發展,其中最讓人驚喜的便是本土創作者愈趨成熟亮眼的表現。而極具個人特色的賴馬,便是逐漸受到矚目的新生代創作者之一。不過,賴馬的作品雖幽默富童趣、明亮而熱鬧,但是他的文字卻極為平實口語,他自己也一再強調「不靠想像畫畫」,完全透過觀察感受生活並「藉由這些看得到的東西」來創作,他經營每一幅圖畫都講求「合理性、邏輯性」。然而,賴馬的作品其實在相當程度的表現特色上是屬於後現代的。教人好奇的是,一個講求貼近生活經驗的創作者,在這樣質樸的創作理念之下,他要如何在文本中演繹後現代所謂的「去中心」、「不確定」等精神?本論文即以賴馬的作品為探討文本,採用文本分析法,由作者、讀者、文本三方面,檢視賴馬創作的圖、文、結構與設計。另一方面,透過後現代主義的理論,針對其敘事手法中的後現代表現展開論述,看他如何把後現代元素化入文本的敘事中,並分析後現代的一些特質在他作品中產生的效果。同時,還可以在其中觀察到當代圖畫書作家運用後現代策略的現象,感受現代圖畫書創作者的後現代氛圍。
英文摘要 Since the 1990s, there have been breakthrough developments in the "Picture Books"category in Taiwanese children's literature. Among them, the most amazing is the local artists’more and more mature performance. Lai Ma, with his highly distinctive characteristics, is one
of the creators of the new generation who is gradually drawing more attention. However,although the works of Ma Lai are filled with childlike humor, bright and lively, his writing is done with plain spoken language. He has also repeatedly stressed that "do not rely on imagination for drawing," but to experience life fully through observation and to create
"through tangible things." Every one of his pictures is "reasonable and logical." Therefore,regardless of subject matter, his work or content has always been known to be close to real life experience.However, what makes people curious about is even though his creation is based on such a simple concept, Lai Ma's works in fact present a considerable degree of characteristics of postmodern narrative. How does he utilize and interpret the so-called post-modern "de-center","uncertain" and other spirit in his text? Therefore, this paper attempts to explore the text in the works of Ma Lai, from the author, reader, and text three areas, to examine the drawings, texts,structure and design in Lai Ma’s creation. I will start the discussion from the post-modern presentation in his narrative methods to see how the post-modern elements are mixed into his
text of narrative. I will also analyze some post-modern characteristics and what effect they have in his works. I will also observe the phenomenon of how contemporary picture book writers make use of post-modern strategies and experience the post-modern atmosphere of current picture book creators.
頁次 069-096
關鍵詞 賴馬 圖畫書 後現代 繪本 Lai Ma picture book post-modernism
卷期 45:2
日期 201110
刊名 人文與社會研究學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學