

篇名 美感教育視點的國際視野─美國實踐案例之探析
作者 洪詠善 、范信賢 、阮凱利 、邱鈺婷
中文摘要 本文主要透過文獻閱讀、訪談、觀察、課堂參與等探討美國紐約林肯中心學苑 (Lincoln Center Institute, LCI)以及Maxine Greene Center(MGC)兩學術與實務機 構,了解兩機構是如何有效率地、有組織系統地推廣美感教育,在思維層次上將美 感教育貫徹落實,並探討「亞太地區美感教育研究室」所發展之臺灣美感教育視 角。進而對臺灣之美感教育提出以下省思與建議:美感教育論述應介入並引導、藝 術家教師(teaching artist)概念的引進、藝術家/研究者/教師A/R/T增能模式的建立。
英文摘要 This article aims to understand how Lincoln Center Education (LCE) and Maxine Greene Center (MGC) applied their theories and philosophies to promote Aesthetic Education in the U.S. and the world. The researchers employed references reading, interviews, observations, and classes participating to collect data. Furthermore, this article explained how “Asia- Pasfic Office of Aesthetic Education, ”the first official organization in Taiwan, defined the territory of Aesthetic Education. Finally, the researchers suggested that: exploring theories deeply, practicing the strategy of teaching artist, and applying the model of A/R/T to strengthen aesthetic education in Taiwan.
頁次 001-019
關鍵詞 林肯中心學苑 美感教育 藝術家教師 Lincoln Center Institute Aesthetic Education Teaching Artist
卷期 2
日期 201505
刊名 教育脈動
出版單位 國家教育研究院