

篇名 中小学教师自主发展物质保障调查与分析
並列篇名 Investigation and Analysis on the material Security Mechanisms the Primary and Secondary School Teachers’ Self - development
作者 陈亮(Chen, Liang) 、李云飞(Li, Yun-fei)
中文摘要 教师自主发展是教师成长的动力和源泉。问卷调查发现,教师自主发展存在教师 经济收入偏低,校园物质文化建设存在盲点,家庭成员的理解程度偏低等物质保障问题。促进 教师的自主发展,完善物质保障机制是关键。我们应从社会、学校、家庭三个维度来重构教师 自主发展的物质保障机制。
英文摘要 Teachers’ self-development is the power and source of teachers’ development. From the questionnaire, we find that Teachers’ self-development problems are so many, for example, the low economic status of teachers; the existence of blind spots on material and cultural construction on campus; inadequate understanding of family members. Therefore, in order to promote self-development of teachers, it is important that improve the material mechanism. We should reconstruct the material mechanism form three dimensions.
頁次 105-114
關鍵詞 中小学 教师自主发展 物质保障机制 primary and secondary school teachers self-development material security mechanisms
卷期 8:1
日期 201102
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學