

篇名 國民小學校長教學領導實務之探討
並列篇名 The research on practice of the instruction leadership of the elementary school principal
作者 黃善華
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討國民小學校長教學領導之意義、目的、實施現況、困境與因應策略,以國民小學為研究場域,進行質性研究。綜合文獻探討與質性研究的結果,對國民小學校長在實施教學領導時提出以下的建議:\n塑造願景新優勢、經營學校永發展;教學領導有方法,組織學習有系統;課程教學有品質,學生學習受重視;接受政策新挑戰,掌握教室新契機;新式領導新思維,校園氣氛煥然新;突破困境與障礙,建立風潮與信心;家長社區共攜手,校校成功必有望等七項。
英文摘要 The research arms at the meaning, purpose, practice situation, difficulty and strategy of principle's leadership in elementary school. The target fields are at three elementary schools by qualitative research.After analyzing the document and observation we have, we get the results as following:To build a new vision to conduct the school for a long time; To lead the teachers with their own method and organized the learning way systematically. To emphasize the learning of the students by improving the teaching quality. To renew the school culture with the new leading thought. To build the confidence of all members to conquer all frustrations. To cooperate with parents and all members of the community will make a successful school.
頁次 127-142
關鍵詞 校長領導 教學領導 教學願景 principal leadership instruction leadership teaching vision
卷期 1
日期 201009
刊名 臺灣教育發展論壇
出版單位 新竹教育大學教育學系