

篇名 教師專業發展的另一條途徑--以敘事促進教師觀看及增能
並列篇名 Alternative Approach for Teacher Professional Development: Promoting Teachers’ Observation and Empowerment through Narrative Inquiry
作者 郭木山(Kuo,Mu Shan ) 、陳淑華(Chen,Shu Hua )
中文摘要 本文探究敘事與教師發展的關聯,其主要背景來自傳統教師專業發展過度倚賴外來理論的學習,而忽略教師知識學習的實踐特性,導致教師專業發展的有效性受到質疑。因此,本文藉由理論分析模式論析另一條教師學習途徑的可能,文中闡述敘事的意涵及特性,以及敘事對促使教師專業發展的關聯。其中揭櫫敘事強調由教師內部置身在地脈絡的觀看外,並論述敘事揭顯教師生活經驗知識的多元意義,以及藉由互為主體對話的文化工具,觸發教師意識提升與察覺反省的「可理解性」和「可反省性」特性。最後,並從置身在地、交互對話、實踐行動等敘事觀點面向,提出三個藉由敘事促進教師學習及專業發展的作法︰分別是經營課堂自我觀看與敘事的情境;尋求合作敘事夥伴,營造互為主體對話氛圍;透過教學實踐觀看,重構教師專業知識體系。
英文摘要 This paper aims to investigate the relationship between narrative inquiry and teacher development. Traditionally, teacher has relied heavily on learning theoretical knowledge, while neglecting the importance of practice. That brings the effectiveness of teacher professional development into question. Accordingly, this paper tries to interpret teacher’s learning based on literature analysis, then to clarify the meaning and characteristics of narrative inquiry and its relation to the promotion of teacher’s professional development. Narrative analysis brings to light the many facets of the knowledge of life experience of teacher who is the cultural tool of inter-subjectivity of dialogue. It stimulates teacher’s consciousness making him or her aware of one’s “intelligibility” and “reflection”. Finally, from the aspects of narrative inquiry, such as situating in context, inter-dialogue and practice in action, this paper suggests three methods to promote teachers’ learning and professional development: Managing classroom self-insight and narrative inquiry, seeking narrative partners, and building inter-subjectivity dialogue through teaching practice to reconstruct an effective teacher professional knowledge system.
頁次 107-132
關鍵詞 敘事 觀看 教師增能 narrative observation teacher empowerment
卷期 112
日期 201402
刊名 教育資料與研究
出版單位 國家教育研究院