

篇名 學前階段合作模式融合教育之探討—以新竹市融合班為例
並列篇名 The collaborative model of Preschool inclusive Education: An example of Hsin-Chu City, Taiwan
作者 李翠玲
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討學前階段合作模式融合教育實施情形,以文件分析、訪談、觀察學生等方式蒐集資料。研究焦點為新竹地區四所公立幼稚園之學前融合班(合作模式)。研究結果發現:1.本研究之合作模式融合教育運作方式師生比為2:15~18及特殊生及一般生比例1:1.5~3.25,但仍需外加一位助理人力支援。2.特教班轉型為融合班有部分是因為招生不足,而主動轉型,部分是因應特殊教育法規定,政策所致,被動轉型,實施以來,教師、行政人員與家長一致認同融合班的成效,尤其對自閉症幼兒的成效最佳,重度與情緒障礙學生則被認為在現行條件下仍不宜安置融合班。3.招生時召開說明會有助化解融合班家長的疑慮。4.融合班課程採用主題式,難以兼顧特殊學生的特殊需求以致影響IEP的執行。5.行政人員與教師均一致認同融合教育對特殊幼兒與一般幼兒有利,但在現行融合班資源不足情況下,仍應有條件融合。6.融合班仍有定位不明的問題,導致經費運用與教師進修政策的搖擺不定。7.融合班困難包括學生障礙類別來源不定、人力不足、評鑑和訪視太多、IEP撰寫的困難、資源不足等,這些需從行政與課程方面進行支援與調整。並建議整合幼教課程與特教課程。
英文摘要 This study explores collaborative model of preschool inclusive education in Hsin-chu city, Taiwan. Documents including IEP, evaluation report and instruction materials were analyzed and 7 teachers, 5 administrators in 4 inclusive preschools were interviewed. The children in inclusive classes were observed. The findings indicated that: the ratio between teacher to student was 2:15~18 for collaborative model. The ratios between children with special needs and typically developing showed 1:1.5~3.25. The teachers agreed that both the children with special needs and typically developing are mostly benefited from inclusive education. The difficulties of implementing inclusive education are lack of support and hard to achieve the IEP goals based on current curriculum in classroom. All teachers and administrators show positive perspectives to inclusive education.
頁次 001-019
關鍵詞 融合班 合作模式 融合教育 學前 特殊幼兒 inclusive education collaborative model preschool Taiwan|
卷期 15
日期 200512
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系