

篇名 歌德浮士德與習慣領域的拓展
並列篇名 Goethe’s Faust and the Expanding of Habitual Domains
作者 黃美鈴(Huang, Mei-ling)
中文摘要 《浮士德》是歌德畢生思想和人文探索的巨作,作品取材於16世紀德國的民間傳說。本書牽涉的層面廣泛,是融和歷史、文學、音樂、戲劇、神學、哲學、政經、科學等觀念的整體經典钜著,它是歌德的一部精神自傳,反映了歌德精神發展和精神追求的經歷。在世界文學史上,它與古希臘的荷馬《史詩》,中世紀的但丁神曲,文藝復興時期莎士比亞的《哈姆雷特》齊名,被譽為為歐洲四大名著,《浮士德》也被譽為「近代人的聖經」浮士德已成為西方文化的人格原型之
英文摘要 “Faust”, adapted from the German folklores in 16th century, is a masterpiece of thinking and humanity exploration through Goethe’s life. The work involves in a wide range of notions, combining history, literature, music, drama, theology, philosophy,politics, economics, as well as science into a comprehensive literature classic. “Faust”
is a spiritual autobiography, reflecting Goethe’s experience of spiritual development and pursuit. Besides, in the world literature history, “Faust” shares the same reputation as “Homer Epic” by Homer in ancient Greek, “Divine Comedy” by Dante in Middle Ages, and “Hamlet” by Shakespeare during Renaissance; this four great works together renowned as four major literatures of Europe. Moreover, “Faust” is distinguished as “Modern Man’s Bible”, becoming one of the western characters
prototypes.Classic usually convey means and structures of great mind thinking. Reading classic enables one to learn the exemplar of great moral integrity as well as thinking patterns, which further enlighten ways of thinking and pass on great life experience.This paper will recount the courses that Faust experienced through pursuing knowledge, love, politics and power, aesthetic arts, and achievements, explaining how
“Faust” represents the western relentless spirit that is-- insatiable to reality;enterprising persistently; ambitious to practice and explore; and continuously in the pursuit of ideals. Therefore, habitual domains, a set of systematic mind-innovative-software, concerning the connection among brain, mind, behavior,and decision-making, seek after the new-emerging force to change human behavior.This paper will analyze Faust’s life fundamentals based on habitual domains theory;further illustrate how Faust forwards into the ideal habitual domains step by step.
頁次 059-071
關鍵詞 歌德 浮士德 詩劇 習慣領域 拓展習慣領域 Goethe Faust poetic drama habitual domains expanding habitual domains
卷期 3:1
日期 201111
刊名 習慣領域期刊
出版單位 國立交通大學資管所習慣領域研究室、社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會