

篇名 偏遠地區國小實施教育優先區計畫的認同程度及執行滿意度之研究
並列篇名 Educational Staff Satisfaction of Implementing Priority Areas Educational Project at Elementary Schools in Remote Areas
作者 李新鄉(Lee, Hsin-hsiang) 、邱湘妮(Ciou, Siang-ni) 、施振典(Shih, Chen-tien)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討臺灣本島偏遠地區國小實施教育優先區計畫的認同程度及執行滿意度,經由立意分層隨機抽樣,針對臺灣本島87所偏遠地區國小97學年度接受教育優先區計畫補助的261位教育人員進行調查。主要調查發現為:一、在補助指標的認同程度上,規模在12班以下或接受補助次數愈多的學校,其認同程度愈高。二、在補助項目認同程度上,會因為承辦經驗及學校接受補助金額的不同而有顯著差異。三、實施教育優先區計畫後,規模12班以下或承辦經驗愈豐富之教育人員,其對於縮減城鄉差距之認同程度也愈高;而北部學校高於中部學校;且補助金額不同也有顯著影響。四、不同地區、規模及接受補助金額之教育人員對於教育優先區計畫的執行滿意度有顯著差異。
英文摘要 This study intended to examine the acceptance and satisfaction level of implementing the priority areas educational project at elementary schools in remote areas. Through purposive stratified random sampling from the four districts of Taiwan, 261 educational staff from 87 elementary schools in remote areas who were executing the priority areas project in 2008 were investigated. The major results obtained are as follows:1. Educational staff from a school with classes less than 12 or from a school receiving more grants for the priority areas educational project were more satisfied with the education subsidy index.2. School personnel,s acceptance of the subsidy items significantly varied by their past experiences and different amount of grant received from the priority areas educational project.3. In terms of the reduced urban-rural after implementing the priority areas educational project, school personnel with more experiences on the educational project or from a school with more grants received or from a school less than 12 classes demonstrated more satisfaction than the others;while school personnel from the northern Taiwan showed more acceptance than those from the central Taiwan 4.There was significant difference of satisfaction in the implementation of the priority areas educational project between school personnel from different regions, school size and amount of subsidy received.
頁次 229-273
關鍵詞 執行滿意度 教育機會均等 教育優先區計畫 project implementation satisfaction equal opportunities in education priority areas educational project
卷期 1:1
日期 201106
刊名 教育行政研究
出版單位 中華民國教育行政學會