

篇名 明清家將小說中女將形象的演變與意涵
並列篇名 Ming and Qing Dynasties Jia Jiang Novels heroic woman image evolution and meaning
作者 張清發(Fa, Chang-ching
中文摘要 明清通俗小說出現「女將」這類角色,主要是為了滿足讀者的閱讀心理。隨著「明清家將小說」的陸續刊刻,楊令婆、木桂英、梁紅玉、樊梨花、八寶公主、段紅玉等著名的女將逐一被塑造出來,足以構成一條英雄傳奇小說中女將形象發展的脈絡。學界關於通俗小說中女將人物的探討,大都未能從小說發展史的角度,探析女將形象的演變脈絡;而且論述的文本範圍既都在於「明清家將小說」,卻又未能掌握家將小說特有的家族文化。因此,本文首先就明清家將小說的發展將作品分期;其次再逐期就代表人物析論之,期能明確展現明清家將小說中女將塑造的演化情形;最後再就時代心理、家族文化等層面,探究女將形象的敘事意涵。
英文摘要 The Ming and Qing Dynasties popular fiction appearance “the heroic woman” this kind of role, is mainly to satisfy reader's reading psychology.
While “Ming and Qing Dynasties Jia Jiang novels” the publication one after another engraves, Yang Lingpo(楊令婆), Mu Guiying(木桂英), Liang Hongyu(梁紅玉), Fan Lihua (樊梨花), Babao Gongzhu(八寶公主), Duan Hongyu(段紅玉) and so on renowned heroic woman is portrayed one by one,
constitutes in sufficiently a hero romance the heroic woman image
development vein.The educational world about the popular fiction in the heroic woman character's discussion, has not been able from the novel history angle, to search mostly analyzes the heroic woman image the evolution vein; Moreover elaborates the text scope lies in “ Ming and Qing Dynasties Jia Jiang novels ”, actually has not been able to grasp the
family the novel unique family culture.This paper, first on Ming and Qing Dynasties Jia Jiang novels development successively work by stages; Next chases the time to analyze again on the representative personage discusses it, The expectation defines clearly the Ming and Qing Dynasties Jia Jiang novels in the heroic woman mold and evolved situation;Finally on stratification planes and so on time psychology, family culture, inquires into the heroic woman image again the narrative meaning.
頁次 067-084
關鍵詞 女將 楊家將 家將小說 明清小說 小說 Heroic woman Yang Jiajiang Jia Jiang Novels Ming Qing Novels Novel
卷期 44:2
日期 201010
刊名 人文與社會研究學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學