

篇名 大學生的獨處能力與其生活壓力、相關變項之關係研究--以臺灣中部大學生為例
並列篇名 College Students' Capacity to Be Alone with Life Stress and Their Personal Variables--Taking Central Taiwan as an Example
作者 林淑惠(Lin, Shu-hui) 、黃韞臻(Huang, Yun-chen)
中文摘要 本篇論文主要在於瞭解目前大學生的獨處能力與生活壓力間的關係,並比較不同背景變項大學生的獨處能力。研究中以台中縣市4所大專院校1,656名學生為研究對象,所使用的研究工具為「生活壓力量表」、「獨處能力量表」,調查所得資料以獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及典型相關分析法進行探討。主要發現如下:
英文摘要 In this paper, the capacity to be alone and life stress of college students in Taiwan were investigated. The relationship between the capacity to be alone and life stress was analyzed and students’ capacity to be alone with different background was also compared. The research sample consisted of 1,656 students from four colleges in Taichung district. Instruments used in this study included Life Stress Scale, Capacity to be Alone Scale. Data obtained were analyzed by independent t test, analysis of variance and canonical correlation analysis. The main findings were as follows:
1. There are no significant differences between gender or living conditions and the capacity to be alone of college students.
2. Various years and birth order show significant differences to students’ capacity to be alone. The juniors, seniors and non-single-children have better capacity to be alone than the other students.
3. The better the capacity to be alone, the lower the life stress.
4. The capacity to be alone was significantly related to life stress. The better the solitary copying and the solitary comfort, the lower the emotional stress and self-stress.
頁次 75-102
關鍵詞 大學生 生活壓力 典型相關 獨處能力 College students Life stress Canonical correlation The capacity to be alone
卷期 16
日期 200912
刊名 彰化師大教育學報
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學教育研究所