

篇名 浅谈大学生科学审美观教育
作者 王忠华
中文摘要 当下之中国,随着改革开放与世界交往的扩大,人们价值观的多元化带来审美倾向上的多样性。就当代大学生而言,树立科学的审美观,是其道德文化素质修养的重要内容。拙作目的在于通过对美的现象及本质的分析,使大学生认识到追求真、善、美的统一才是科学的审美观,美之本质则在于心灵之美。
英文摘要 The moment of China, with the reform and opening up the expansion of contacts with the world, people and values the diversity brought about the diversity of aesthetic tendencies. In terms of the contemporary college students and establish a scientific aesthetic, moral and cultural qualities of their cultivation of the important content. This text try to analyze the nature of the beautiful phenomenon and make students realize the pursuit of truth, goodness and beauty of science is a unified aesthetic, beauty lies in the nature of spiritual beauty.
頁次 88-89
關鍵詞 大学生教育 科学审美观 心灵美 Students Education Science aesthetic Spiritucal beauty
卷期 411
日期 201002
刊名 中外教育研究
出版單位 中外教育研究編輯部