

篇名 大學生公民素養量表簡介及信度、效度分析
並列篇名 Introduction and Analysis of Reliability and Validity: Citizens' Competence Inventory for College Students
作者 歐慧敏
中文摘要 本文旨在介紹「大學生公民素養量表」的內涵,並分析其信度與效度。本量表共52題,包含「倫理素養」、「民主素養」、「科學素養」、「媒體素養」及「美學素養」五項分量表及一個誠實指標。全量表為李克特六點量表,受試者在分量表上的分數愈高,表示其該素養愈高。另外,本量表以穩定係數、Cronbach 的內部一致性係數來考驗信度,提供測量標準誤和顯著差異分數,俾益於結果的解釋與應用。本量表自內容效度、同時效度、構念關聯證據等三方面來驗證效度。
英文摘要 The purpose of this text was to introduce citizens' competence Inventory for college students (CCIC), analyze reliability and validity. The CCIC consists of 52 items which were classified into five subscales and 1 honest index. Five subscales including "ethics competence," "democracy competence," "science competence", "media competence" and aesthetics competence. This inventory took the form of the Likert-type six-point scales. The test-retest reliability coefficients, Cronbach α coefficient was discussed on reliability. The content-related evidence, criterion-related evidence and construct-related evidence discussed on validity.
頁次 089-102
關鍵詞 大學生 公民素養 college students citizens' competence
卷期 227
日期 201303
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司