

篇名 公案話本中的新風景—談《勘皮靴單證二郎神》中的紅杏出「宮」與偵探式破案
並列篇名 New scenery in the script for story-telling of the complicated legal case
作者 孫佩詩(Sun, Pei--shih)
中文摘要 中國公案小說的發展到了宋元以後漸趨於成熟,因而產生出了不少的名篇,如《錯斬崔寧》、《簡帖和尚》、《勘皮靴單證二郎神》等,而尤其《勘皮靴單證二郎神》更是其中很值得注意的一篇作品。這個話本很不同以往的大膽的描寫了一個因獨守空閨、青春虛度的宮嬪韓玉翹,為追求情愛歡欲竟然以著貴為「天眷」、皇帝「禁臠」的身分去外遇,讓至高無上的皇帝戴上了綠帽。在此話本中所描寫的這個紅杏出「宮」事件,對比其他在《三言》中同樣是追求情愛自主、甚或紅杏出「牆」的故事,兩者在表現出肯定婦女本能欲求、尊重其自我意識以及禮教反抗的思想意義上,究竟是否有所差異,甚或具有著更創新之處呢?而倘循著作品前半的這種情節思想發展下去,這個話本將僅只於是「傳奇」類型的情愛故事,但小說在後半卻接著用了一半以上的篇幅描寫官府公人冉貴勘查此外遇事件的破案經過,又轉而使得這個話本成為了公案類的小說,不過內容卻與過去一般公案小說的情節相當的不同。因為在這個話本中的破案方式沒有一般通俗公案小說習見的神鬼神秘色彩,而是經由從一隻被打落的皮靴抽絲剝繭的勘察來使案情真相大白。像這種不同以往的推理論證的破案敘述,對於中國公案小說在藝術形式方面的發展上是否也具有著什麼樣創新的意義存在?這些在思想意義亦或是藝術形式對比其他公案小說的不同以往,都是《勘皮靴單證二郎神》這個話本中很值得耐人尋味的地方,也是本文中欲著力探究之處。
英文摘要 Novel, complicated legal case of China, develop into Song yuan become more and more ripe gradually, therefore produce many famous chapters, for instance " cut Cui peaceful by mistake ", " simple card Buddhist monk ", " collate Er-Lang god, document of leather boots, ",etc., Dr.eye: and especially" collating document Er-Lang god of the leather boots " is a very noteworthy work among them even more. The script for story-telling
different a past one bold one of description observe empty boudoir,palace Bin Korea S.Dr.eye: jade that youth waste stick up alone very, in order to pursue the joyous identity that wants to unexpectedly regardsburning '
the day family dependent ', emperor ' prohibits Luan 'expensively as of love the extramarital relation, let the most lofty emperor wear the
green cap. The red apricot described produce ' palace ' incident in script for story-telling this, is it pursue love act on one's own, even red apricot produce story of ' wall ' also at the "three speeches " while being other to compare with, in is it affirm woman instinct is it ask,
respect self- consciousness and thought meaning that Confucian or feudal ethical codes resist their to want to demonstrate the two, whether it is different to some extent on earth,even have innovation?Follow works half these kind of plot thought develop, this script for story-telling only
only then love story of the type of ' the legend ', but the novel continues describing the common people's expensive reconnoitring in addition process of solving a case of one that anything crops up slowly of local authorities with over half of the space in latter half, is it
make the script for story-telling become novel of complicated legal case to transfer, but content equal to plot of the general complicated legal case novel in the past difference.Because the secret color of spirit ghosts and gods that the way does not have general popular complicated legal case novel to commonly see of solving a case in this script for
story-telling, but via reeling off raw silk from cocoons and shelling the reconnaissance of the callus to make the details of the case clarify the truth from a piece of leather boots hit down. The ones that proved in different and past reasoning solved a case to narrate like being such, as to are there a kind of meanings of innovation to exist too on the
development in art form of China's complicated legal case novelling? It is at thought in these meanings also or art form last complicated legal case novel not other with in the past, all the place where it is very worth thought-provokingly in this script for story-telling " collating
document Er-Lang god of the leather boots ", it is a place wanted to put forth effort to probe into in the article too.
頁次 047-066
關鍵詞 話本 公案小說 情欲 偵探 推理 Script for story-telling complicated legal case novel lust detective reasoning
卷期 44:2
日期 201010
刊名 人文與社會研究學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學