

篇名 考试抄袭识别的心理测量学研究回顾
並列篇名 Statistical Methods for Detecting Answer Copying
作者 韩丹 、郭庆科 、王昭 、陈雪霞
中文摘要 考试抄袭是最难识别的作弊方式。抄袭统计量(ACS)和人员拟合统计量(PFS)是识别抄袭的两类主要统计方法。ACS是根据被怀疑抄袭者与被抄袭者实际得分模式相似的概率来识别抄袭者。PFS则把一个观察的项目得分模式与一定的测量模型相对比,来检验被试得分模式是否与测量模型预测的模式相吻合。其中,PFS由于在识别异常得分模式时存在一些干扰因素,所以对结果的解释存在多样性,应用较少,ACS是专门用于识别抄袭的统计方法,研究表青其识别率更高。目前ACS指针在美国的SAT和一些资格认证考试中已经得到广泛应用。
英文摘要 Answer copying is the hardest form of cheating to detect. There are two types of statistical methods to detect it:answer─copying statistics(ACS)and person─fit statistics(PFS). In ACS the likelihood of two examinees to give same answer pattern is calculated, the copier is detected if the likelihood is rather small. PFS compares an observed item score pattern with a test model predicted, examinees who give aberrant item pattern are suspected to be the copier. Many other factors besides answer copying can give rise to inflated PFS. While ACS is especially presented to detect answer copying. Many researches were found that the detection rate of ACS was higher than PFS. ACS has been broadly used to detect answer copying in SAT, Licensure and certification examinations in American.
頁次 175-183
關鍵詞 Neural Network person─fit statistics answer─copying statistics answer copying 考试抄袭 抄袭统计量 神经网络技术 人员拟合统计量
卷期 16:1
日期 200801
刊名 心理科學進展
出版單位 中國科學院心理研究所