

篇名 臺灣與東南亞國協高等教育之相關研究
並列篇名 A Study of Higher Education in Taiwan and ASEAN
作者 王立天(Wang,Li-Tien ) 、周祝瑛( Chou,Chuing Prudence)
中文摘要 近年來,隨著全球區域保護主義的興起,各區域在經濟貿易上成立合作架構。其中,與臺灣近在咫尺的「東南亞國協」,近年來區域快速成長,透過市場的開放,吸引大量外國投資。然而由於政治等因素,臺灣一直被排除在亞洲經濟整合架構之外。有鑑於此,本文旨在探討東協高等教育市場之發展與我國高等教育未來因應之道,透過國內外文獻、實地考察等方法,了解美日韓中與東協之高教合作現況,以此檢討我國現有高等教育與東協交流之問題,如:專責機構、發展重點及方向、資源整合、招生策略與臺灣的國際教育市場開放度等方面。最後進一步提出:設置跨部會的專責單位、結合多元資源開發東協高教市場,與掌握重點專業與市場需求進行試辦等建議,期能提供我國未來高等教育與東協交流之政策參考。
英文摘要 With the rise of regional economic and trade cooperation among countries in southeastern Asia, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is rapidly becoming a focal point of attention. Geographically close to Taiwan, ASEAN encompasses a vast territory, large population, and abundant resources. Through the opening of the market in recent years, substantial foreign investments have been attracted to the region, which led to the Asian economic boom. In order to narrow the developmental gap with developed countries, ASEAN needs to accelerate its human resource development and rapidly improve the quality and quantity of its educational system with the help of foreign countries. Meanwhile, developed countries take this opportunity to fortify long-term relationships with ASEAN through higher educational cooperation. However, due to political factors, Taiwan has been excluded from many economical frameworks in Asia. The regional trade agreements, such as ASEAN+3, have had an impact on Taiwan's economy. The purpose of this paper is to review the practices in countries like US, Korea, Japan and mainland China. This study gathers relevant information by literature analysis and field interviews. It is hoped that the current research can shed light on literature and facilitate Taiwan’s policy making regarding internationalization of higher education
頁次 221-242
關鍵詞 高等教育 東南亞國協 東協+3 經貿合作 國際化 Higher Education Exchanges Trade Cooperation ASEAN ASEAN+3 Internationalization
卷期 111
日期 201311
刊名 教育資料與研究
出版單位 國家教育研究院