

篇名 從《兒童及少年性交易防制條例》談中途學校的現況與展望--以高雄市瑞平中學為例
並列篇名 The Act of Prevention of Child and Juvenile Sexual Transaction and the Halfway School : The Example of Kaohsiung’s Ruei-Ping High School
作者 陳慧女(Chen,Hui-Nu )
中文摘要 中途學校是《兒童及少年性交易防制條例》對於有性交易之實的兒童少年提供長期安置,並施以教育輔導的重要法源。本文從兒童及少年性交易防制條例的保護措施與處遇,以及研究論述對中途學校的觀察等面向探討獨立式中途學校設置至今之概況及其未來的展望。綜合相關研究的分析結果及實務的現況,本文指出中途學校面對的挑戰及發展方向為:建立跨專業的團隊合作模式、避免學生受到社會標籤的影響、提供個別化的教育與輔導方案、精進工作人員的專業知能、結合多元的社會資源、教學課程的彈性化等。
英文摘要 Halfway School provides long-term settlement, counseling, and education for the child and youth involved in sexual transaction under the Child and Youth Sexual Transaction Prevention Act. This article studies the history of legal prevention of sexual exploitation of children and teenagers as well as the protective strategy and treatment done by the halfway school. As the author sees, the halfway school was and is still facing many challenges such as: the establishment of a multi-professional team work model, the difficulty of being unaffected from social label, the program of individual education and guidance, the promotion of professional knowledge and skill, the combination of multiple social resources, and the development of flexible courses.
頁次 105-130
關鍵詞 中途學校 性交易 性剝削 halfway school sexual transaction sexual exploration
卷期 113
日期 201405
刊名 教育資料與研究
出版單位 國家教育研究院