

篇名 多元主体参与视角下公立中小学治理结构之重塑
並列篇名 Discussion on the Remodeling of Governance Structure in Public Primary and Secondary Schools
作者 汪莉
中文摘要 《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》提出要"完善中小学学校管理制度\"。结合公立中小学的管理和发展实践,通过分析和平衡学校多方利益相关者的权益诉求,在多方主体权益诉求的博弈过程中重塑公立中小学治理结构,这对寻求构建我国基础教育现代学校制度的理论和实践依据具有重要意义。
英文摘要 Improving the school management system is an important education policy. Analyzing and balancing multi-stakeholders’ rights in schools and combining the schools management with development practice to reconstruct public primary and secondary schools' management structure is significant for constructing China's modern school system of basic education, which is the basis of theory and practice.
頁次 061-065
關鍵詞 公立中小学 治理结构 家长委员会 理事会 public primary and secondary schools governance mechanism the parents committee council
卷期 9:4
日期 201208
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學