

篇名 中國民間表演鑼鼓之歷史
並列篇名 A History of the Chinese Folk Performance Loku
作者 施德華(Shih, Te-hwa)
中文摘要 表演鑼鼓是一種以音樂中的鑼鼓演奏為主,並同時具有舞蹈演技性質的民間表演藝術。這樣同時具有聽覺及視覺的表演方式相當受到大眾的喜愛,長時間以來,在民間廣為流傳,現今幾乎已遍佈於全中國的每個地區。由於這種演藝藝術同時具有「樂」與「舞」等多重元素,因此其歷史脈絡較顯龐雜,尤其在「舞」的範圍中,就表演的性質而論,又多具有戲劇、武術、雜技與儀式等屬性。因此本文即根據這些不同的元素及屬性,以多元的角度為中國表演鑼鼓進行歷史探究與整合,將中國民間表演鑼鼓的起源與發展,還原成一條完整且連貫的歷史進程,期望本文之探究結果能對樂界與學界提供更多相關的研究資料及貢獻。
英文摘要 Loku performance has been primarily classified as traditional music percussion performance, and is also associated in the field of folk performing dance. The combination of the visual and auditory art has developed a real passion for Loku representation in the population, and such attraction has spread widely in the folk for a long time. Nowadays, the way of representation has almost proliferated in entire China. This kind of performing arts simultaneously associates with “Music”and “Dance” and it includes various art forms such as drama, wushu, acrobatics and ritual. Therefore its history fuses a great deal of complexity. In
this article, the characteristics of this art will be taken as a key to understanding the origin, evolution and history of Loku performance in Chinese art history. We hope this study will provide a more related research material and further making the contribution to guide students, teachers, researchers and musicians.
頁次 061-082
關鍵詞 鑼鼓 戲劇 武術 雜技 儀式 Loku Percussion Drama Wushu Chinese martial arts Acrobatics Ritual
卷期 4:2
日期 201110
刊名 藝術研究學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學