

篇名 國中生希望感量表之研究
並列篇名 The development of hope scale for junior high school students
作者 敬世龍
中文摘要 本研究主要目的在透過分析程序建構具備信效度之國中生希望感量表。先以依文獻資料進行問卷題目編擬,並請專家學者進行專家效度後編製預試問卷,題數為50題,後以立意取樣方式蒐集601份有效問卷,將其以SPSS12.0軟體進行探索性因素分析檢測其五項因素成分,分別為「個人特質」、「課業學習」、「同儕關係」、「家庭生活」與「休閒活動」,經刪題後餘44題進行驗證性因素分析。並蒐集全國國中學生共1008份有效問卷,將其建構成國中生希望感量表的一系列競爭模式,結果顯示五因素斜交模式為最簡效的模式,對此模式進行內在結構適配評鑑亦顯示觀察變項與潛在變項皆具有良好的信度、聚合效度,以及區別效度。為檢驗此一模型的穩定度,將整體樣本隨機區分為兩個樣本,分別為檢定樣本(N=504)及效度樣本(N=504)進行複核效化的評鑑,結果顯示嚴謹策略下,五因素斜交模式之國中生希望感量表具有穩定性以及預測力。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to develop the reliability and validity of Junior High School Students Hope Scale(JHSHS).    This scale was developed by the authors, based on the reference, Exploratory Factor Analysis were used to determine the Cronbach's , and concurrent validity of the JHSHS, which contained 44 close-ended items under five subscale, including those on personal trait, academics, peer-relationships, family life, leisure activities.Confirmatory Factor Analysis showed that there was an acceptable goodness of fit between the JHSHS five-factor model, and this research with good reliability and validity.    Using a random split, the sample(N= 1008) was divided into a calibration sample(N= 504) and a validation sample(N= 504).    The results of cross-validation suggested that the five-factor model was supported in both samples under the tight replication strategy.
頁次 019-056
關鍵詞 希望感;探索性因素分析;驗證性因素分析;Hope;Exploratory Factor Analysis ;Confirmatory Factor Analysis
卷期 2
日期 201012
刊名 臺灣教育發展論壇
出版單位 新竹教育大學教育學系