

篇名 中小学教师职称改革的重新定位
並列篇名 On the Relocation of the Reform of Professional Titles for Elementary and Secondary Schools
作者 潘希武(Pan, Xi-wu)
中文摘要 当前的中小学教师职称改革主要着眼于解决评聘不一等现实问题:没有科学地进行教师专业岗位设置,导致用职称系列代替岗位系列,用职称编制数定职称评审;而且职称与岗位特点相脱节,无法有效地促进教师专业成长。教育教学特性决定了教师职称改革不应继续以利益作为激励的手段,而应转向着眼于整体的教育教学改革的需要,进行科学的分类分层的专业岗位设置和分学科、分层次的教师专业标准的确立,以岗位成长和专业成长激励人;并建立弹性编制制度以及改进岗位评审标准,引导教师专业发展。
英文摘要 The reform of professional titles for elementary and secondary schools,which emphasizes the disunity between the title appraisal and employment, and does not make post setting scientifically, leads to substitute post series with professional title, to decide the title appraisal by the amount of title preparation,and doesn ’ t promote effectively professional growth because of the disunity of professional titles from post series. The reform of professional titles, which is decided by the feature of education, should not insist on the way of impel by benefit, but should turn toward the need of whole education reform, and carry on scientific post classification setting and specialized standards about all kinds of subjects. And also, it need establish flexible system of title preparation and improve appraisal standards in order to lead teachers ’ professional growth.
頁次 093-098
關鍵詞 教师职称改革 教师专业标准 岗位分类分层 岗位评审 the reform of professional titles professional title of teachers post classification setting standards of post appraisal
卷期 11:2
日期 201404
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學