

篇名 [为学]与[为道]:教育的终极关怀辨
並列篇名 [For Learning] and [For Tao]:On the Ultimate Concern of Education
作者 宋学欣
中文摘要 教育的工具性、功利化目的造成教育中人的工具化和人性的虚无,也使孩子们的上学观迷失了教育的价值方向。分析当前教育价值迷失的状态及其原因,重新建构合理的教育价值观,从[为学]到[为道],实现教育的终极关怀,即由掌握知识技能为重心的形而下价值追求升华到人的精神心灵思想的形而上价值追求,在教育中实现人格的升华,成为自由的人,活出生命的价值来。
英文摘要 Education’s instrumentality and utilitarian purpose make people of education become the tool and the nihility of human nature, which also make children lose their views about the value of education. This paper analyzes the current state and reasons of the losing of education value, and reconstruct the reasonable education value; from learning to Tao, the realization of the ultimate concern of education which emphasize the sublimation form physical pursuit which pat attention to knowledge and skills to mate-physical pursuit that accentuate human’s spirit and soul. And during this process, to achieve the sublimation of personality and make student become a free man and live a life with value.
頁次 3-6
關鍵詞 知识教育 功利化教育 教育价值观 为学 knowledge education utilitarian education view of education value for learning
卷期 6:7
日期 200907
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學