

篇名 初中英语综合实践活动课的建构与实施
並列篇名 The Construction and the Implementation of English Integrative Practical Activity Course in Junior High School
作者 徐永军
中文摘要 初中英语综合实践活动课是初中英语教学工作者根据综合实践活动课程的理念、初中英语教学的需要、学生的自身生活及社会实际所开发的课程,它能够促进学生的英语语言及内容知识学习,提高学生的综合实践能力和人文素养。文章首先回顾了初中英语综合实践活动课在我国的研究现状,然后对初中英语综合实践活动课的概念、教学目标、特点、实施方式及评价方式进行详细介绍,并提出若干教学建议,从理论与实践两个方面对初中英语综合实践活动课进行系统探究,以期完成初中英语综合实践活动课的建构。
英文摘要 English integrative practical activity course in junior middle school is a kind of course which is created by English teacher of Junior high school according to the concept of integrative practical activity course , the needs of junior high school English teaching , students' life and social reality. It can promote junior high school students' development on language learning , content knowledge learning , comprehensive practice ability and comprehensive humanistic literacy. This paper reviews the current research situation of English integrative practical activity course in junior middle school in China , makes a detailed introduction of the definition , the teaching objectives , the features , the implementation methods and the evaluation methods of integrative practical activity course in junior middle school and offers some teaching suggestions in order to complete the construction of English integrative practical activity course in junior middle school from theory to practice.
頁次 075-081
關鍵詞 综合实践活动课程 初中英语综合实践活动课 初中英语 integrative practical activity course English integrative practical activity course in junior middle school junior high school English
卷期 10:4
日期 201308
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學