

篇名 小学公民教育的问题探讨
並列篇名 The Discussion to the Issue of Civic Education at the Level of Primary School
作者 冯青来 、汪春艳
中文摘要 我国当前小学教育阶段的公民教育不应与道德教育两分,同时要改变公民教育意识相对落后、公民教育措施不力的现状。小学的公民教育应该从学校、家庭和社会对公民教育的观念变革、借鉴国外先进的公民教育经验以及弘扬我国传统文化和教育思想中的精髓等方面进行改善,以提升我国国民素质并促进现代社会转型。
英文摘要 There should not be much and sharp differences between the moral education and civic education at the level of primary school in current China and the status that the idea of civic education is relatively backward and the measures of civic education are far from effectiveness must be changed. The current phase of the civic education in primary schools should start from changing concepts of schools, families and society towards civic education, learn from advanced foreign experience in civic education and promote the essence of China’s traditional culture and educational philosophy so as to enhance the national quality of our country and facilitate the modern society transformation.
頁次 61-64
關鍵詞 小学 公民教育 问题探讨 primary school civic education issue discussion
卷期 6:9
日期 200909
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學