

篇名 我国中学男女分校合校的历程及对单性中学的价值审视
並列篇名 On the Development of Co-education and Single-sex Education of Secondary Education in China
作者 刘佳 、王伦信
中文摘要 我国中学教育先后经历了男女分校、合校、分校复现与合校并存这样大致三个阶段的发展。中学,尤其是高中,作为教育体系的核心环节对学生的发展发挥着至关重要的作用,因而中学阶段的男女分校合校也较小学和大学更引人关注。在男女合校成为主流的今天,单性中学仍有其独特的价值。
英文摘要 Three phases are identified in the history of the development of secondary education in China─single-sex education, co-education, and single-sex education and co-education co-existed. Middle schools, especially senior middle schools, play a crucial role in educating students as a central part of educational system. Subsequently, whether the single-sex middle school is suitable for development of boys or girls is always a worldwide issue.
頁次 21-40
關鍵詞 中学 男女分校 单性中学 女子中学 the secondary education middle school single-sex school girl’s school
卷期 6:7
日期 200907
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學