

篇名 论教师专业发展的有形与无形
並列篇名 A Study on the Tangible and Intangible Levels of Teacher Professional Development
作者 吴遵民 、周翠萍
中文摘要 教师专业发展是当今世界教育领域内日益受到关注的一个重要课题。一系列看似有形却又无形的影响因素,左右甚至主导了教师专业发展的方向及进程。本文以此为题,对存在于教师专业发展过程中的若干有形与无形因素及影响这一过程的内外关系加以分析、探讨。
英文摘要 Research on teacher professional development has now become an important focus in education fields. To promote professional development of teachers, we should research variety factors of teacher professional development, tangible and intangible. In other words, these factors can influence or even dominate the direction and processes of teacher professional development. This paper will discuss and analyze these factors of teacher professional development.
頁次 34-44
關鍵詞 教师专业发展 有形与无形 影响因素 Teacher Professional Development Tangible and Intangible Level Factors
卷期 7:4
日期 201004
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學