

篇名 我國大學院校應用MIT開放式課程之效益、限制與意涵
並列篇名 The Application of MIT OpenCourseWare and Its Implications for Higher Education Curriculum and Instruction in Taiwan
作者 張嘉育
中文摘要 本文旨在分析國內大學院校應用MIT開放式課程(OpenCourseWare,OCW)之效益,並探討其對國內大學課程教學的意涵。經由深度訪談及焦點團體訪談,本研究發現:應用MITOCW對國內大學師生具多項效益,包括:一、學習對象無限制,提供豐富且跨領域的學習資源;二、學習環境無時空限制,賦予學習彈性與便利性;三、課程設計循序漸進且理論實作兼顧,強化學習成效;四、教學媒介多元,增強學習動機;五、學習經驗異質,擴展多元視野;六、提供預習、複習與補救學習的輔助平台;七、擴展學生自學、問題解決及專業英語聽講能力;八、教材資源可作為教師課程設計之參考;九、可作為教師專業分享與成長平台。唯應用之餘亦有限制需留意,包括:一、課程要素未完備,自學功能受限;二、人際與實作學習機會不足,情意與技能之教學目標達成不利;三、雙向師生互動欠缺,教學歷程的因應不足;四、學生學習風格歧異,並非所有學生適用;五、教師課程設計不可直接全盤借用。最後,本文亦揭示MITOCW對國內大學課程教學實務與研究之意涵,包括:一、應用開放式課程,轉變大學教師教學角色與學生學習模式;二、藉由課程教學資源的開放,可刺激大學本身的變革,並帶動校際良性競爭,進而提升整體教育品質;三、藉由課程教學資源的分享,可加速高等教育的普及化,縮短全球知識落差,強化大學的社會責任;四、宜深化研究主題或擴展研究對象,以豐富課程教學領域的知識內涵。
英文摘要 This article aims to analyze the feasibility of applying MITOCW to the university curriculum in Taiwan and discuss its implications for the curriculum and instruction innovations of higher education in Taiwan. Two related sets of interviews, focus group interviews and in-depth interviews, were used and the findings of the study indicate that employing MITOCW provides considerable benefits. The benefits include: a) no limitations on learners; b) no restrictions on learning environment; c) offering step-by-step course design; d) providing a wide range of learning materials; e) providing a diverse learning experiences; f) serving as a learning platform of previewing, reviewing and remedial learning; g) developing self-directed learning; h)supplying teachers with ideas on curriculum design and lesson planning; and i) access to teacher professional growth. However, due to the following reasons, applying MITOCW still needs further exploration. Major limitations are: a) lack of curriculum integrity; b) cannot cultivate interpersonal skills or hands-on learning experience; c) without teacher-student or student-student interaction; lack of flexibility for instructional adaption; d) learning styles vary, and online learning may be unsuitable for all students; and e) curriculum adaption is nessary while teacher using for reference of curriculum design. And the implications include: a) using OCW to chang the roles of teachers and learners and encouraging self-access learning; b) making learning recourses available to promot curriculum reform and bring about positive inter-school competition; c) sharing learning recourses to a variety of learners to take social responsibility of universities and accelerate the popularization of higer education; and d) expand the research topics and the research object to enrich the research field of curriculum and instruction.
頁次 045-085
關鍵詞 開放式課程;線上學習;課程與教學革新;OpenCourseWare (OCW);online learning;innovation of curriculum and instruction
卷期 11:1
日期 201206
刊名 中正教育研究
出版單位 國立中正大學教育學院